Mr. MIRs Brief an die Inder:
Ramen, Inder!
In Bombay fand am 11.4. der World Homeopathy Summit statt.
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This conference will bring a huge change in your life!,
so die Webseite. Unter den Sprechern was auch der "Arzt" Prof. Michael Frass, welcher sich seine Anführungszeichen damit verdient hat, dass er eben homöopathisch herumfuhrwerkt, und das an der Medizinischen Universität Wien. Was denn nun genau ist die Meinung eines österreichischen Medizinprofessors darüber, dass man mit Homöopathie gegen AIDS vorgehen kann? Der Veranstalter dieser "Konferenz" ist nämlich ein AIDS-Heiler: sagt: [...] Mumbai-based homeopath Rajesh Shah has developed a new medicine for AIDS patients, sourced from HIV itself. The drug has been tested on humans for safety and efficacy and the results are encouraging. Shah’s scientific paper for debate has just been published in Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy (IJRH), the official publication of the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) in its online edition. [...] “Our experiment entails that the homeopathic drug has the capacity to act on HIV, etc,” said Praveen Kumar, head of Department of Practice of Medicine at JSPS College. He, however, pointed out that “it is too early to declare anything big, but our work has certainly opened the floodgates of advanced research and clinical testing.”
Wenn das nicht nach weiteren Forschungsgeldern schreit ...
#Szientabilität! sagt: Researches by India's premier institutes presented at a press conference here yesterday show that Homoeopathy has given rise to a new hope to patients suffering from dreaded HIV, tuberculosis and the deadly blood disease Hemophilia. In a pioneering two-year long study, city-based homoeopath Dr Rajesh Shah has developed a new medicine for AIDS patients, sourced from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) itself. The drug has been tested on humans for safety and efficacy and the results are encouraging, said Dr Shah. Larger studies with and without concomitant conventional ART (Antiretroviral therapy) can throw more light in future on the scope of this new medicine, he said.
Wird Herr Prof. Frass in Wien solche AIDS-Experimente durchführen? Warum denn eigentlich nicht? Das Simileprinzip ist doch soo universell gültig!