Frau Dr. Merkel ("Bundeskanzlerin";) glaubt unter anderem, dass die Burka der Integration vielleicht hinderlich sein könnte.

Innenminister Jäger ("Nordrhein-Westfalen";) glaubt, dass auch der Weihnachtsmann eigentlich schon immer eine Burka trägt.

Dr. Javed Jamil ("islamischer Denker";) glaubt, dass die Burka die Sexualisierung der Frau, ihre Ausbeutung, die Zerstörung der Familien und die Ausbreitung von Aids und das Fremdgehen von Männern im allgemeinen verhindert und sie vollständig schützt – Schöne neue Welt.

ZITAT aus "":

"Modern world treat women as commercial beings

The modern world can boast of giving rights to women; but it has hardly cared for their safety and security. The result is that the “freedom” of women has opened innumerable ways for their exploitation; and a strange kind of chaos prevails in society. Freedom has in truth proved to be nothing but a ploy to ensure a growing availability of women in market. Sex has not only become one of the biggest global markets; it has also become perhaps the greatest tormentor of humanity. It is killing people (AIDS, suicides, murders), destroying families and disturbing social harmony; women and children become its biggest victims. In contrast, while giving them rights Islam also ensures their safety and security. A woman in a true Islamic system cannot become a victim of the sex market (for commercialisation of sex cannot have any place in a civilised society). She runs minimum risk of assault on her modesty (because Islam severely and in an exemplary manner punishes such crimes). She has an added satisfaction that her husband cannot drink, gamble or have sex outside marriage, which also safeguards her against several life-threatening sex-related diseases. All these are big security concerns for women, and Islam attends all of them with perfection."

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